The world of humans, in North America especially, has changed more in the last 120 years than it did for the previous 300,000 years of our existence. In the last 41 years of my lifetime, I have seen drastic changes in many areas of society and life. One of the most striking and interesting things…
No More Great Men
We used to believeIn something more than a dreamA Great Man led usFollowing him to the battle scene Brothers in Arms we wereComrades till deathReal pain we knewReal loss we met Now we know nothing of thisWe have nothing to believe inNo one to call a brotherNo one to call a friend They’ve taken it…
Spartan Lessons In Masculinity
Introduction At the end of each year, around November and December, I intentionally spend a significant time alone. From the months of January to October, I typically spend a large amount of time around people due to being a business owner and running teams of employees. I find this very draining and almost soul depleting….
Book Review of “A Story of Us” by Lesley Newson and Peter Richerson
A Work of Feminist Fiction Gender and Race Propaganda in 2023 I was born in 1982 in Arizona, USA. In my childhood, the pictures in the magazines and advertisements, and the images on the television, looked different that they do today. There were many more white men in the pictures fed to us back then….
Book Review of “On The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin
Look at Chuck Darwin and His Glorious Beard Introduction As you know, this is mandatory reading for anyone interested in Science, Evolution, and Gender Dynamics. However, it is not easy to read, which is partly why everyone has opinions on Evolution but very few have read this book. I listened to the Audible version that…
Book Review of “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins
A Rebuke of God and Religion, With Unwanted Extras Introduction Dawkins took a thorough approach in researching and writing this book. It does attack God and religion from virtually all possible angles. It is similar to The Selfish Gene, in that a considerable portion of the book is dedicated to refuting and attacking named individuals…
5 Reasons to Get a Prenup
Xander Warner, a former family law practitioner with experience in over 7,000 divorce, custody and restraining order cases, shares five compelling reasons why you should consider getting a prenuptial agreement before marriage.
The Truth About What Women Want
Introduction All men want to understand what women want, right? That’s the joke of the last 100 years in this society. Many feminine books have been written on the topic, including horrid bullshit like “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”. They even got Mel Gibson to do a suicide-inducing Rom-Com in 2000 called…
If You Want A Woman To Treat You Well, You Better Have Something To Offer
Interest Level The level of a woman’s interest (AKA Interest Level or “IL”) in a man completely dictates her persona with him. When it comes to sexual interactions with men, women have no set personas. The persona she uses is entirely dependent on the SMV Disparity and the IL. SMV Disparity is a woman’s perception…
Why Does No One Understand What Women Want?
Introduction There is a pervasive idea in our culture that women are unknowable and mysterious by nature. Most men say that women are complicated and confusing. It’s a pop-culture joke that men will never know “what women want”. Hollywood makes horrible romantic comedies based on this idea. Our Beliefs Dictate Our Lives Women are not…