A Work of Feminist Fiction
Gender and Race Propaganda in 2023
I was born in 1982 in Arizona, USA. In my childhood, the pictures in the magazines and advertisements, and the images on the television, looked different that they do today. There were many more white men in the pictures fed to us back then. Additionally, men and women were portrayed in more traditional gender roles in these pictures. Men were usually in positions of leadership and women were in supportive positions. The representation of women in leadership positions and minorities were more representative of actual reality back then.
As of 2021, according to US Census estimates, 59% of the population is White, 19% is Hispanic, 12% is Black, and the remaining 10% is Asian, Native American, and others. Women make up 18% of the US Military, and virtually no women are in combat roles. For example, women constitute 8% of the US Marine force, and there are only 11 women in infantry roles. The total US Marine infantry contains 22,805 enlisted Marines and 2,148 officers. Further, women only make up 13% of full-time law enforcement officers in the USA.
You wouldn’t think the numbers above were accurate if you looked at the pictures that are fed to us in 2023. On streaming services such as Netflix, women in violent leadership roles and minority actors dominate the movies and shows offered. In fact, it is difficult to find a program where women and minorities are not bossing all the white men around. An overarching agenda can be easily spotted when the pictures fed to us clearly do not match what exists in reality.
In the 1920s and 1930s, the Nazis invented methods to use media to further the State’s agenda by delivering fictitious realities to the masses. Joseph Goebbels, the “Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda” of the Nazi regime, understood humans better than anyone. He knew that if he repetitively presented a fictional reality to the masses in the form of films, newspapers, and speech, people would believe in the fictional reality and ignore the reality they saw with their eyes. When you study the tactics of the Nazi’s, it’s impossible not to realize that the American government learned from them and has advanced the craft of propaganda since then.
We often don’t realize or appreciate it, but the pictures, stories, and music that are fed to us have a significant impact on our subconscious hindbrain. Our forebrains can detect the depictions as unrealistic propaganda, but our hindbrains cannot tell the difference between fake simulation and reality. This is how things such as pornography and video games can be so destructive. The hindbrain cannot tell the difference between real sex and the simulated sex of porn. It also can’t tell the difference between simulated combat in video games and real violence. This is why porn and video games can be so exhilarating, satisfying, and addictive.
The media fed to us has a profound effect on our subconscious paradigms of the world. When we are constantly fed depictions of women dominating men on the screen, we are much more likely to accept women dominating us in reality. When we see pictures of women displaying the combative, aggressive, and physical feats that only a man could perform in reality, we will tend to ignore the profound physical and psychological differences of men and women.
It is clear that these images are being fed to us for a purpose. The powerful have clearly adopted a strategy of subverting the power of white males (at least in the non-elite population) while normalizing female and minority dominance in the USA.
Feminist Evolution
My goal is to read every book published on Evolutionary Psychology. “A Story of Us” came up in Audible under this category, so I listened to it. What’s striking to me is that nearly every form of media created in the last 5 years is now infected with fictions of female power, minority dominance, or both. During the Covid “pandemic”, this propaganda strategy increased exponentially.
“A Story of Us” is nothing more than a work of Feminist fiction with a clear agenda. There are hardly any scientific findings discussed, and the ones that are have been slanted to support the goal of Feminist revisionism by the authors. The book starts out by praising the female researchers since the sexual revolution that “cleaned up” the misogynistic view of Evolution offered by Darwin and his progeny. When I heard this, I knew I was in for a treat with this book. This narrative seems to be used in nearly every endeavor that exists. According the Feminists, everything that was done before the sexual revolution had to be “cleaned up” and reworked by women, in order to cleanse it of misogyny. Of course, these women get plenty of help from their loyal male simps that line up around the corner to help dismantle the evil patriarchy.
However, this is just a tactic ambitious women use to falsely inflate their prestige, notoriety, and impact in their particular field. And so many pathetic men are more than willing to help a person of less talent and skill advance in a profession just because they have a vagina and breasts. This book is the poster child for what actually happens when women try to do this. They dismantle a perfect and accurate model and replace it with faulty and inaccurate Feminist-approved model. Charles Darwin presented an accurate model of Evolution in 1859, and the authors of this book attempt to bring science backwards 164 years in this false Feminist publication.
The entire book has been tainted by a Feminine and idealistic revisionism of human history. Darwin and other famous Evolutionary scholars have always presented human history in the realistic models of survival of the fittest and harsh competition. Even though the authors admit that humans were nearly extinct for virtually all of our history, they insist on presenting a sanitized, feminine, politically correct version of it.
Men Are Always the Problem
This book is a series of fictional stories set in different periods of time in human history, starting with our ape ancestors millions of years ago through to modern times. The stories are concocted by the authors with their “scientific” explanations afterwards. The problem with all the stories is that they are ENTIRELY focused on women and children. Men are rarely referred to, and when they are, men are the source of all the problems.
Does this ring a bell? It should, because this is the same message of male incompetence and fallibility presented in most stories, movies, shows, and music fed to us today.
Every story is told from the perspective of a woman, or child without a disclosed gender. However, the child’s perspective is dominated by the feminine perspective.
In the story about our ape ancestors, the males are depicted as wild and violent beasts that the females and children must avoid and fear. According to the authors, our male ape ancestors just impregnated the females and contributed nothing more than their sperm to the survival of our lineage. Of course, the female mothers have to do everything for themselves because all the males are lazy and brutish. The mothers are predictably depicted as warm, altruistic, gentle, and loving in contrast to the useless males.
In another story about human ancestors, an innocent and altruistic young woman is impregnated by an “evil trickster” that left the family without helping raise the child. All of the subsequent problems are blamed on the man, with the woman bearing no accountability for her choice to have consensual sex with him outside of marriage. This familiar narrative is a favorite among women.
In another human story, the women and children have to do all the important, useful work while the men run around together wasting time and engaging in nonsensical battles with neighboring tribes. The lives of the women and children would be so much better if all men weren’t such juvenile, violent brutes!
Towards the end of the book, the authors get into primetime gloating territory for Feminists when discussing the generation of modern humans after the sexual revolution in America. All the usual tropes are delivered, including the woman that needs to “fix” a boy into becoming husband material, the cheating charismatic husband that forces rough sex on his poor wife, and the straight-faced portrayal of men as simply commodities to be used by women. The story is about two sisters, and one decides to go off her birth control WITHOUT INFORMING HER HUSBAND and then the authors demonize the evil, cheating husband for wanting an abortion. The authors revel in dramatizing the “struggles” of modern women that have been given everything they asked for and more. It must be so hard to get all the benefits of men without any of the costs! If there was a story that represented every modern woman’s belief in an entitlement to avoid all accountability and responsibility, THIS WOULD BE IT.
Humans Aren’t Violent, You Silly Man
Another revision of human history, that could only be offered by a woman and/or a feminine male simp (the two authors of this book), is the complete denial of our violent human nature.
- First, the authors admit that there is very little fossil evidence from before the Agricultural Revolution because human remains are easily destroyed by other animals or natural geology.
- Second, the authors conclude that the lack of human fossil evidence of war and violent deaths before the Agricultural Revolution proves their conclusion that humans did not engage in war before the Agricultural Revolution.
- Third, the authors conclude that because humans did not engage in war prior to 12,000 years ago, humans are non-violent by nature. Unfortunately for the authors, a LACK OF EVIDENCE is not evidence at all.
- Fourth, the authors present stories that depict early humans and our ape ancestors (while only discussing females and children) as “Kumbaya” cooperative pacifists that engaged solely in child rearing and foraging, and not violence.
- Fifth, the authors admit some violence occurred before the Agricultural Revolution, but it was rare, unnecessary, and only came from the troublesome males of the group. It was just their toxic Testosterone and infantile egos that led to the useless violence.
- Sixth, the authors claim that the widespread violence and war occurring after the Agricultural Revolution is PURELY CULTURAL and NOT GENETIC.
Of course, this false reasoning is designed to advance the Feminist agenda. If humans are not genetically violent, then women have NEVER needed men for protection in our human history. Women honestly believe, and always love to say, that there would be no violence if women ran the world. When women couch war and violence as EXCLUSIVELY MALE, they present a false version of reality where they do not need, and have never needed, men for protection and survival. It’s just another way they advance the myth of female independence and undermine the essential role of men.
This is how the mental insanity of the two authors works:
- In 2023, women don’t need men for anything. Men are just commodities and luxuries that all women can live without. My mantras are: “I want a man, but I don’t need a man for anything” and “I’m a strong independent woman that doesn’t need a man for anything”. In fact, dating a juvenile and stupid man is more trouble than it’s worth. So, I’m just going to be a career woman, get donor sperm, in vitro fertilization, and raise the child on my own. The child will be much healthier because it won’t be destroyed by the scourge of humanity known as Testosterone.
- I’m going to ignore these facts: Men invented virtually everything I own, and men are responsible for everything I rely upon for comfort, safety, and convenience. I’m going to ignore that men invented and created the career in which I work, the streets on which I drive, and the buildings in which I live. I’m going to ignore that men comprise 87% of the law enforcement that protects me from being kidnapped and used as a sex slave, and men comprise virtually 100% of the combat military that is responsible for my ability to believe in Feminism and be free.
- Since modern technology, global production, and supply chain logistics turns the creators of everything I own and consume into nameless faces, it’s easy for me to believe that I don’t need the men that are responsible for my entire life. I don’t have to interact with the men that pick the vegetables I eat from Mexican fields. I don’t have to shake hands with the men that slaughter the animals I cook from rural America. I don’t have to meet the dirty, smelly men who laid the bricks in my expensive downtown condo. In our ancestral times, I would have been face-to-face every day with the men that supported and facilitated my entire life, and my absolute NEED for them would be impossible to deny. I would have been forced to respect men and treat them well, or else I would have died and not produced offspring. However, I’m going to ignore all these facts and continue operating on my delusion of historic and current female independence.
- I call myself a “strong independent woman”, even though I am fully dependent on men for my safety, protection, livelihood, food, and possessions. My girlfriends and I say this to feel good about ourselves, but deep down we all know it’s a lie. This is why we only feel REAL SEXUAL DESIRE for men that are strong enough to protect and provide for us.
- Since I live under this mass delusion of female independence and power, I am going to falsely assign the facade of my present, modern existence onto all historical humans and their ape ancestors. Even if it’s not true or historically accurate, I need to help dismantle my patriarchal white male oppressors, and fooling everyone into believing in historical feminine power will help do this. Besides, men are stupid and lazy, so our female ancestors MUST HAVE controlled everything and held power. If this was not true, men would have made Homo Sapiens extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago!
Women are less violent than men because our female ancestors DID NOT HAVE TO BE VIOLENT. Men have always been the ones that fought and died to protect the women and children of the group. Not surprisingly, women still always frame themselves as the “real victims of war”, even though men do 100% of the fighting and dying.
Since modern women live under the mass delusion that they don’t need men for anything, it’s easy for them to further delude themselves into believing MEN HAVE ALWAYS BEEN USELESS. Female Evolutionists do not praise our male ancestors for protecting their female ancestors from being killed by predators and other humans. The sacrifices of our male ancestors are responsible for OUR VERY EXISTENCE, because without their protection women would not have survived and replicated. Instead of acknowledging the absolutely essential role that men have always performed for our species, female Evolutionists frame men as engaging in juvenile, nonsensical, useless violence. That’s easy for women to do when they are protected inside the safety of the perimeter that the MEN HAVE FOUGHT AND DIED FOR.
The authors would have you believe that historic humans were separated by two independent groups: Mothers and children that survived without the aid of men, and groups of roving wild men that mostly engaged in useless activities. They want you to believe that the sole utility of men throughout human history was being sperm donors. According to them, humans lived for hundreds of thousands of years like this, with mothers surviving, feeding themselves and their children, and working together in exclusive female groups with minimal or no help from males.
The authors ignore the fact that virtually no other primate on Earth lives like this. And our closest relatives, the Chimpanzees, live in small groups where the males provide essential utility to the females and children. They admit that animals with a high degree of sexual dimorphism, in which the males of a species are larger and stronger, consist of coed groups with dominant male leaders. But then they ignore the high degree of sexual dimorphism in humans and deliver a Feminist utopia of “strong independent women” living in the harshness of nature without any help from men.
Their stories also present the idea that women have always had full sexual decision-making power, and in doing this they discount the importance of male Alpha dominance in sexual selection. The authors would have you believe that the dating market of prehistoric humans was like Bumble where women made the first move and controlled the whole interaction. A cursory study of our ape relatives clearly shows that the dominant males of a population receive sexual access to the females more as a logical benefit of their Alpha status and not so much due to a “decision” made by the females. Again, the authors are falsely applying an exclusively modern phenomenon to historical humans.
In one of the fictional stories, the authors claim that groups of men stupidly hunt the large predators in hopes that it will increase the number of large herbivores like cattle in the region. Silly men! If you would just always listen to women and hunt the large herbivores exclusively, you could actually be useful for once!
Needless to say, I give this book 0 out of 5 stars. I’ve always said that one of the most dangerous tools of Feminism is redefining reality. They constantly try to define what masculinity is and is not. They also try to revise history in ways that are designed to advance their agenda of female dominance. For example, they inflate the historical “oppression” of women in order to receive the benefits of victimhood. When modern men don’t know what real masculinity is, and they believe women have always been dominant in our species, they are much more likely to be submissive to women.
It is clear from plain observation, and the evidence, that the strength, physicality, protection, and provision of men were ALWAYS absolutely essential to the survival of women and children. And because women and children NEEDED men, this put men in the default power position of all historical groups of humans.
It is only in our modern society, where women live under the facade of female independence from men, that people can imagine a human history where women were dominant and independent. What they fail to realize is that their facade is completely dependent on modern technology. For example, if you took away the police, modern weapons, and the technology that supports rapid responses, then women would lose their “strength and independence” immediately. Without technology, no force would be able to police large areas effectively, and women would again need the protection of the men they were sexually aligned with.
It’s easy for modern women and male Feminists to believe that Homo Sapiens is a peaceful species, when their entire lives have been a sterilized politically correct utopia. But throw these same people in the harshness of nature without modern technology, and they would quickly change their views.
This entire book is tainted with a Feminist idealism that undermines every word in it. It’s frustrating that this type of Feminist distortion and revisionism is so common and normalized now that hardly anyone detects it anymore. In fact, the act of even pointing out the obvious misandry and gender prejudice against men present in this book will result in the identifier being cancelled and labeled as a misogynist. Oppressive censorship is easy to spot, because you’re not allowed to say ANYTHING against the accepted narrative.
Darwin’s accurate theory of Evolution entails a realistically brutal survival of the fittest where men were absolutely essential for survival. Maybe Darwin could see human history more accurately because his mind was not lazy and atrophied from the luxuries of modern technology. The authors of this book, on the other hand, are trying to present a modern “snowflake”, politically correct version of Evolution that’s been stripped of all it’s harshness, and they have also stripped it of all its historical accuracy and truthfulness in the process.