A central tenant of my advice to men is that they should never get married. The collection of beliefs and paradigms that enables a man to live his life with freedom as a red-pill Alpha male is what I call the Never Get Married Mindset (the “Mindset”). Men should adopt the Mindset as early as possible in their lives, preferably before they’ve been married, but they can also adopt it after a divorce. In order to resist the programming of the Feminine Primary Social Order, and avoid its ultimate tool of male submission we call marriage, men must understand, accept, and internalize a wide array of red-pill concepts.
Fully explaining and outlining to men why they should never get married will not be a quick process. To me, not getting married is the obvious choice, but most men need a lot of assistance to see it that way. I’ve had the benefit of many years of being a divorce lawyer and seeing our family law system destroy the lives of thousands of men. I’ve been in the trenches of that system for many years, and I’ve seen how misandrist it is on a daily basis. Further, more than 80% of the hundreds of divorce cases I’ve personally handled were due to the woman abandoning the man and breaking her vows. The vast majority of marriages in the USA fail because the woman breaks her vows and leaves the man. A woman’s ability to easily leave her husband, and get rewarded financially, socially, and parentally in the process, is the sole reason why the divorce rate has skyrocketed since the Sexual Revolution.
Whenever I go on a date with a woman and tell her I’m a divorce lawyer, she always says “you must have seen it all” and she’s absolutely right. The next thing she says is that I “must be jaded about marriage and children” and I always tell her that I’m wise because of it, not jaded.
What I have to teach men about marriage in America can not be explained in one blog post, or one YouTube video, or one podcast. It’s going to take a commitment from my readers to consume all of my content to fully understand why marriage must be avoided, and how they can be perfectly happy and sexually satisfied without it. Living this way is not easy though, and it’s going to take some hard work to attain.
Men have been programmed since birth to believe that their lives should culminate into marrying a woman, so it’s going to take some commitment to undo that programming. Explaining it in an intelligent and defendable way will take a lot of words to accomplish, and eventually I’ll be writing a book on the topic.
In this process, I am going to attack marriage from all sides and every angle. When you’re done reading my content on this topic, you should be resolute in your permanent decision to never get married.
You may also decide to never have children as well. I made that decision a long time ago after I realized that fathers have been degraded into irrelevancy and financial slavery by modern society. It is quite sad that I have to do this, but I feel an obligation to all men to share what I have seen and learned about our misandrist family court system and fatherhood in this Feminine Primary Social Order we live in.
Children are wonderful, but a father’s natural and historical place as the head of the household, with authority over his wife and children, has been eliminated by our society and legal system. Fathers will always report the joys and rewards of having children, mostly because of their extreme ego investment in their own children. But our Matriarchal society has taken EVERYTHING from fathers, and they usually don’t realize the extent of the problem until they go through our divorce court system. Fathers no longer have any real authority over their children, because their authority has been stolen from them and given to the mothers and the children themselves. This is the worst time to be a father in human history, and I will fully explain why.
Marriage is a Human Invention
The core and foundation of the Never Get Married Mindset is an understanding that marriage is an invention by humans. Homo Sapiens has been around for approximately 300,000 years, but marriage has only been around for 4,000 years. (Link) (Link). The lineage of Homo Sapiens started around 750,000 years ago with Homo Heidelbergensis, an intelligent humanoid that was 99.7% genetically identical to us. (Link).
Modern humans and humanoids have been on this planet for 750,000 years and marriage only came into existence 4,000 years ago. Without going deeper into the history of marriage (I will approach that later), this information tell us that marriage is a brand new invention. For virtually all of human history, humans found a way to mate, procreate, and get along in groups without marriage.
Marriage is an abstract idea that was very recently invented by men, and its only validity as an idea is a shared agreement between people of its validity. It has no inherent validity, value, or meaning. It is supposed to represent a legally binding “commitment” between a man and a woman, but a “commitment” is an abstract idea as well.
Marriage itself is only illusory; A figment of our imagination that only exists as synapses firing in our brains. It doesn’t actually exist in the real world like a man and woman does. You can’t see it, touch it, smell it, or hear it. Marriage is not real. As humans we try hard to make many illusory ideas seem real, and marriage is one of the extreme examples of this. We try so hard to make it real, by creating pieces of paper we call “marriage licenses”, having ceremonies at churches, and spending fortunes on wedding parties, but marriage will never be real. A man and woman before marriage are exactly the same man and woman after marriage in the real world. The only change that occurs is in our minds.
Monogamous Marriage is Unnatural
Humans evolved to live in small nomadic tribes of non-monogamous members in the forests and savannas of Africa. Our bodies, minds, and emotions evolved as optimized adaptations for what Evolutionary Psychologists call the Ancestral Environment. Biologically, we are the same exact humans as we were then, but our environment has drastically transformed.
Marriage had no place or reason to exist in the Ancestral Environment. The Alpha males acted as the leaders and primary sexual partners of the females. The females had a biological emotional desire (attraction) to mate with the Alpha males that possessed higher social status and superior intelligence, strength, athletic ability, and/or resource control. Females preferred to mate with the Alpha males, but the Beta males were always around wanting sex from them as well. The females were entirely dependent on the protection and provisioning of the males in the group. The females did their best to optimize the utility of the males around them, mainly receiving the sperm the Alpha males and the provisioning of the Beta males. The Alpha males mated with the females at their leisure, and did their best to mate guard and ensure paternity. The submissive Beta males had to be crafty in order to get sex, resorting to establishing one-sided alliances with the females. By one-sided, I mean that the Beta males did all the work and the females received all the benefits. Women have been using their pussies to control Beta males forever, and they still do today. In exchange for the occasional sexual encounter, the Beta males would socially support, protect, and provide resources to the females.
Beginning with our primate ancestors millions of years ago, females that utilized the Alpha’s sperm during their fertile phases, and the Beta’s provisioning in their non-fertile phases, were the most prolific in survival and replication. Thus, natural selection reinforced and strengthened these traits in females over millions of years. In reality, a woman’s currency with men has always been sexual access to her, and women have evolved to buy as much top-tier sperm, protection, and provisioning as their vaginas can afford them.
Tribes of early humans consisted of closely related members, and they were required to cooperate sexually and socially to survive and replicate. This led to the creation of complex, interdependent, intergender social relationships. Modern humans cannot understand this extreme requirement of cooperation because we live in a safe, sanitized world where Amazon and Costco make us believe we are self-sufficient and independent. Independence from the group simply was not a survivable option for virtually all of human and primate history. Cooperation and harmony between members of the group was essential for everyone’s survival, thus it was a much higher priority that it is today. All group members were interdependent on each other, so cooperation and reduction of conflict was imperative. These humans had no other choice but to peacefully accept their place in the power hierarchy of the group, in addition to accepting the drawbacks of sexual and social cooperation. Modern humans think they can have it all and live independently only because the life-ending danger of the natural world has all but been eliminated.
Alpha males that were confident in their paternity of the children in the tribe were more than willing to allow the Beta males to assist the females in raising the children. Beta males have always been cuckolded by Alpha males. Alpha males were busy hunting, foraging, and leading the tribe, so the primary childcare duties were left to the females and Beta males aligned with them. The Alpha males had their needs for sex easily satisfied by the females due to their dominance, superior strength, and position in the tribe. The Beta Males did not have these advantages or natural lust from the females, but they provided valuable resources to the females nonetheless, so the females benefitted from having sex with both Alpha and Beta males alike.
As you can see, there was no one-man-one-woman pairing of Homo Sapiens in the natural world. Marriage and monogamy did not exist and could not exist given the realities of the Ancestral Environment. Due to the global marketplace, universal access to goods and services, and removal of constant life-threatening danger, it’s easy for a modern male/female pair to raise children without the direct help of a tribe around them. Since we are so removed from our Ancestral Environment, we think our social-sexual norms in modernity are natural, but they are not. Marriage and monogamy are brand new inventions in human history, and these inventions only seem reasonable and natural when viewed concurrently with the trappings and social structures of modernity.
An extreme amount of social programming, indoctrination, and brainwashing is employed to obfuscate the truth and fool modern humans into believing we are something other than primates that evolved in the dangerous, natural world. This is one of the primary purposes of most modern religions. Pagan religions related humans with the natural world, and modern religions relate humans with the imaginary spiritual world. This causes humans to disassociate themselves from other animals and the natural world, and instead associate themselves and their origins with something that is superior to animals. It is no coincidence that the invention of marriage coincided with the invention of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions. Marriage initially began as a non-religious legal representation of a man’s property right to a woman. But religion eventually co-opted the institution, turning marriage into something that was required by God. Humans must be ignorant of their natural origins and status as primates in order to accept and adopt an unnatural, forced social-sexual institution like monogamous marriage. Monogamy feels so wrong to Alpha males, because their burning desire to fuck other women besides their wife never ceases. An entire fantasy of heaven and hell, and all the incumbent rules packaged into it, must be installed into the minds of humans to fool them into accepting social constructs that are completely unnatural to them.
Humans do not come out of the womb with any instinctual behaviors that our modern notion of marriage expects of people. Humans will instinctually fuck each other, forage for food and water, make shelter, band together in survival groups, and do many other things automatically, but they won’t get married! Everything about marriage is the result of programming, including every thought, emotion, and behavior related to it.
Always remember that our minds, emotions, and bodies evolved through natural selection in the Ancestral Environment of nomadic tribes with zero technology and limited tools. All of our mental, emotional, sexual, and physical features exist because they increased our ability to survive and replicate in THAT ENVIRONMENT, not our current modern environment. This is the way humans, humanoids, and primates have always lived for millions of years. Our biology has not evolved even one tiny increment past being designed for this harsh, dangerous environment and way of living, even though we live extremely differently in a safe, sanitized world today. We must look to the Ancestral Environment always to understand why we think, feel, and behave the way we do. Male and female sexual desire, strategy, and behavior exists today because it optimized replication and satisfaction in THAT WORLD, not our current world.
Our sexuality was not designed for this modern world, and that’s why it is so hard for men to understand women’s true hypergamic nature. Most men are unaware that we are evolved to live in the Ancestral Environment, so they become stuck in an endless loop of attempting to reconcile female behavior with our modern programming and society. Female behavior can finally be understood when viewed through the lens of the Ancestral Environment. Women are not so mysterious after all.
Women’s vaginas have always been their currency in the open market, and they couldn’t buy everything they needed from just one man in the Ancestral Environment, so they bought it from more than one man. Women’s pluralistic sexual strategy of hypergamy, known as Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks, evolved in a tribal culture where it was impossible for a woman to extract top-tier sperm combined with all the resources she needed from one man. Even if it was possible, it improved her life, and the lives of her children, to receive support from the Beta males in exchange for occasional sexual access. The females that were monogamous with one male did not survive and replicate as prolifically as the females that utilized the resources of multiple Alpha and Beta males in exchange for sex. Not to mention, all of the males were likely to die at an early age of disease, predator attack, accidental injury, homicide, or one of many other life-threatening dangers of that world. The most prolific females could easily and quickly adapt to this, replacing their Alpha lovers and Beta provisioners at a moment’s notice. Thus, in the crucible of human development, where it was common for females to die in childbirth, for children to die before puberty, and for everyone to die young of something, the female monogamy gene was stamped out of human DNA through millions of years of natural selection, assuming the unlikely condition of it ever existing in the first place.
When you start viewing modern women through the lens of the Ancestral Environment, their behavior starts to make a lot more sense.
It is also important to note that lifelong sexual monogamy, which is two individuals who only reproduce with each other for life, is virtually non-existent in animal populations on this planet. Sexual monogamy of any length is extremely rare, and if it does exist, it is for short periods like one breeding season only. Scientists and laypeople alike intentionally muddle the lack of monogamy in the animal kingdom in a thinly veiled attempt to bolster the ideal of human marital monogamy. They also intentionally confuse social monogamy with sexual monogamy when reporting statistics. Social monogamy is when an adult male and an adult female of a species live together, but they still mate with other individuals. Only 3% to 5% of mammals and 29% of primates are socially monogamous, but they are never sexually monogamous. We share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, and not surprisingly, chimpanzees live in small non-monogamous tribes that exhibit the same sexual behavior as the early humans I described above.
Lies of the Feminine Imperative
The male human sexual strategy is understood and widely agreed upon. Men desire unlimited access to unlimited sex with females. Any woman in America will loudly and accusatorily tell you this is “the way men are”. Women judge men for this sexual strategy under the guise of human female monogamy.
These are the lies of the Feminine Imperative:
- Men and women are naturally monogamous, or at least that is the Godly, morally superior, and/or ideal state of being;
- Is is the deviant, childish, non-committal men that prevent monogamy from occurring because they can’t “grow up” and “man up”;
- Males that commit to marriage and monogamy are “real men” and males that stay non-monogamous are hopeless “boys”;
- Women want to have sex just as much as men do;
- But women are able to control themselves and be monogamous, unlike men, because they are more mature and morally superior;
- It is men that ruin everything and they must be fixed, tamed, shamed, threatened, and browbeat by women into accepting monogamy and commitment.
All these lies are based upon the central lie that women want to be with one man for the rest of their lives, and they will stay loyal and faithful to that man if he just “mans up”, commits to her, buys her a wedding ring, and gets down on knee to beg for her acceptance (marriage). However, we know that women regularly have many casual sexual encounters with Alpha males in the “party” phase of their early-to-mid twenties, they will date and have sex with multiple men simultaneously at various stages of their lives, they are responsible for more than 80% of the divorces in the country, and they are causing the rise of Polyamory as an acceptable form of marriage. Women love Polyamory because it is open, unfettered, socially acceptable hypergamy: They get to have the submissive Beta provider at home caring for the children while they whore around town with the Alpha males. If women are so faithful and monogamous, why does their behavior show us the exact opposite?
The female human sexual strategy, known as hypergamy, is intentionally muddled and hidden from the realms of popular culture, science, and education. Similar to many other forms of women’s communication to men, the overt message defining female human sexual strategy, mainly that women desire and conform to monogamy, is designed to confuse, indoctrinate, and mislead.
Essentially, we are taught that the female human sexual strategy is lifelong sexual monogamy with men. If that were true, Homo Sapiens would be the only animal species on the planet with lifelong sexually monogamous females and highly sexually non-monogamous males. But of course, the red-pill aware man with significant sexual experience with women knows this could not be further from the truth. Women sell themselves as sexually monogamous to fool men into abandoning their sexual strategy and entering into committed sexual monogamy against their nature. However, after a man agrees to the woman’s stated terms of the purchase, the actual product delivered bears no resemblance to the product described in the sales pitch.
The Myth of Monogamy in the Animal Kingdom
Social monogamy is when an adult male and an adult female of a species live together, but they still mate with other individuals. Sexual or genetic monogamy refers to two individuals who only reproduce with one another. (Link) Lifelong sexual monogamy, which is two individuals who only reproduce with one another for life, is virtually non-existent in the animal kingdom.
“Not a single mammal species has, thus far, been definitively shown to be truly [sexually] monogamous … Scientists now estimate that only about three to five percent of the approximately 4,000+mammal species on Earth practice any form of monogamy. Before the advent of DNA fingerprinting, scientists believed that about 90 percent of bird species were truly monogamous. But paternity testing suggests that the reverse is true: Scientists now believe that about 90 percent of bird species are socially monogamous, and that true monogamy among birds is the exception rather than the rule.”
What the above quote reveals is that, under the false indoctrination of human monogamy, supposedly impartial scientists published scholarly articles for decades claiming that 90% of bird species were sexually monogamous for life, effectively pushing that notion into the collective conscious of society, when in reality 90% were only socially monogamous. This scientific misinterpretation of bird behavior is an example of the psychological phenomenon known as Confirmation Bias, which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values. (Link). Notably, this bird behavior in the wild is the same as human behavior that is mostly forced by the current social order. Many modern men and women live socially monogamously but not sexually monogamously.
We are programmed to believe that scientists are “impartial” crusaders for the truth, but the inaccurate data on bird monogamy, and common sense, tells us otherwise. We are also programmed to believe that judges in our legal system exemplify the pinnacle of impartiality and justice. However, as a family lawyer that practices in a field where juries have been removed and judges are the sole decision-makers, I can tell you that is absolute bullshit. Human beings are always under the influence of their biases, prejudices, and preconceptions regardless of their positions in society.
In addition to scientists subconsciously finding monogamy in the animal kingdom that does not exist, they also intentionally muddle the lack of monogamy on this planet in a thinly veiled attempt to bolster the false ideal of human sexual monogamy. For decades, scientists have intentionally confused social monogamy with sexual monogamy when reporting statistics. This has resulted in most laypeople believing that sexual monogamy is common in the animal kingdom when it is clearly not. Only 3% to 5% of mammals and 29% of primates are socially monogamous, but virtually none are sexually monogamous.
Female Chimpanzees Are Total Sluts
As I mentioned in my previous post, chimpanzees and humans share 99% of their DNA with each other. Chimpanzees are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. Both female humans and female chimpanzees mate with multiple male partners and are non-monogamous by nature. The difference between the two is that female humans are hypergamous and selective in the multiple males they mate with and female chimpanzees are not.
Female chimps “exhibit sexual swellings lasting 6–18 days during which time they attempt to mate with most or all the males of the community”. They go into “heat” and their sexual organs swell, signaling their sexual receptivity to all males in the community. Female chimps take the promiscuous “shotgun approach” to mating, and it is the physical and social competition between the males and females alike that determines whose seed will get propagated into the future. Just as humans do, female chimps tend to have synced ovulatory cycles, and several females will be in heat at once. This adaptation serves the purpose of female chimps (and likely humans as well) being sexually, socially, and genetically motivated to promote their own exclusive access to males through preventing the sexual access of rival females. During the time of female heat, sexual competition rises sharply, and brutal physical attacks are common inside and between the genders. (Link)
Human Female Hypergamy and Non-Monogamy
Human female hypergamy, according to the red-pill definition, is a general term for the sexual strategy of human females and all its nuances. One side of hypergamy is the act or practice of a woman being sexually attracted to, and having frequent passionate sex with, men of higher value that exhibit Alpha (physique, dominance) traits, in order to extract sperm containing the superior genetic material of those men. In addition, it is the act or practice of a woman not being sexually attracted to, but having occasional obligatory passionless sex with, men of higher value that exhibit Beta (resource possession, passivity) traits, in order to extract resources, support, parental investment, and loyalty from those men. The Manosphere colloquially refers to female human hypergamy as “Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks”, which, in turn, refers to the common female practice of fucking Alphas and extracting money from Betas.
Female humans are technically not as slutty as female chimps because human females only like to mate with males that are higher value than themselves. Women are sluts for the “right” males while female chimps are sluts for “all” the males. The likely explanation for this is that brutal physicality is accepted and commonplace in chimpanzee communities. Thus, the Alpha male chimps can submit and dominate the Beta male chimps during sexual competition, giving the Alphas increased sexual access to the females. Increased Alpha male mating with the females, and prevention of Beta male mating, results in female hypergamy being an unnecessary adaptation. As with many animal species, the superior DNA of the Alphas finds its way into the children of the community through male combat, and not necessarily through the sexual selectivity of the females. Examples of other species besides chimpanzees where the males have deadly fights over access to females are: elephant seals, zebras, kangaroos, bison, and sheep, among many others. (Link).
In human culture, brutal physicality and open combat between the males for sexual access is less common, likely due to our increased socialization, larger forebrains, and the unacceptable risks it posed to the tribe members. Human males are more likely to participate in non-deadly sporting competitions to prove superiority rather than open combat that risks serious injury and death. And we all know that women like to fuck the winners of sporting events. In a species where every member of the tribe is intricately interdependent, male death during combat for sexual access becomes a less suitable evolutionary adaptation, as the tribe’s survival depends on the Alpha and Beta males alike. Thus, the “Alpha Fucks” side of hypergamy evolved in female humans to ensure that the superior Alpha DNA in the tribe was propagated through the mechanism of female sexual selection of higher value Alpha males.
Even though the process of propagating superior DNA varies in chimpanzees and humans, females in both species are biologically hardwired to mate with multiple males at once and over time. It would be illogical and impossible, in such close genetic relatives as chimps and humans, to see the polar opposite sexual strategies of lifelong sexual monogamy and open promiscuity in the females of each species. The obvious explanation is that female chimps and humans share the same genes that drive them to be non-monogamous and promiscuous by nature.
The Agricultural Revolution and the End of Small Tribes
Marriage only exists because of the Agricultural Revolution, which is when humans left the nomadic hunter/gatherer lifestyle for the stationary life of agriculture. This led to larger groups of humans living cooperatively in the same area than ever before. It was now impossible for one Alpha male to ensure paternity with multiple women because so many other men lived in the same area, and the strict tribal boundaries no longer existed. With the Agricultural Revolution came a division of labor, and men started specializing in an increasingly numerous amount of jobs. This wasn’t the case in the nomadic tribal culture because everyone was constantly involved in foraging for food or caring for the young. Without agriculture, there was no surplus of food that would support groups of people engaging in non-foraging activity all day. The rise of specialists led to more advantages and creature comforts for people living in villages. In tribes people people had to do everything themselves. In villages people could rely on the work of several specialists to provide a better standard of living.
This is when female dependance on one Alpha male, and his dominance over his women, started to decrease in human history. In a small tribe, he could dominate the group members through force and easily crush dissent. Essentially he had his female possessions, and the Beta males, mostly isolated from other humans. He could control them by any means necessary, and their only options were to live under his rule or be isolated from the tribe. Isolation in that environment meant certain death.
As many more people were living together than ever before, the Agricultural Revolution also brought on an increased need to manage conflict between humans, specify their rights, and punish violations of those rights. This triggered the onset of written laws, legal systems, court systems, police forces, and jails. A man’s possession of a woman, and his exclusive sexual rights that flowed therefrom, were one of the many property rights that needed to be written into law and enforced to keep the peace among the population.
After the Agricultural Revolution, there were many other Alpha and Beta males around women in the town, which exponentially increased her options in pursuing sexual hypergamy. With the increased amount of unknown, uncontrollable men around, combined with women’s natural hypergamy, the problem of guaranteeing paternity became extreme. Now men could slip through the town alleys, impregnate a kept woman, and vanish before the Alpha male possessor knew what happened. In towns, the chances for men and women to sneak around and fuck surreptitiously exponentially grew. This led to increased lawlessness, violence between men, and violence towards women because she was fucking other men behind her keeper’s back.
Trigger the necessity and creation of marriage. A new societal and legal construct needed to be created to bind women to their male possessors to guarantee that her children were his. There needed to be legal justification for punishing women women that fucked other men, and punishing men that fucked women that were owned by other men. Marriage was the name given to a man’s legal ownership of a woman. With the creation of marriage, cheating women and men could be punished for violating the legal ownership rights the husband. The punishments for adultery were severe, and sometimes violators were put to death. Marriage’s entire purpose was to create a social and legal identity for a man’s exclusive ownership of a woman and his rights that flowed therefrom. There was no love or soulmate myths involved in marriage as it was just a legal construct of ownership.
Today, when you buy a car, you have a protected ownership right to that vehicle. You can do anything you want with the car, as long as it does not violate anyone else’s rights. You get to drive the car, park it wherever you like, and you can even drive it off a cliff if you so choose. It’s your car and you get to do whatever you want with it.
This is exactly what marriage was, but instead of owning a car you owned a woman. Under the eyes of the law, she was the same as a car. She had no rights of her own and she was not a citizen. Only men were citizens with property rights. If you owned her, you could do anything you wanted with her, including beat her, put her to work, or anything else. You had exclusive rights to fuck and impregnate her, and if she fucked another man, both her and the other man would be in violation of your ownership rights, and they would be punished under the law.
Women would never naturally imagine themselves walking down the aisle and getting married on their own. They’ve been taught the marriage and wedding fantasy, and they’ve been programmed to want it through many years of indoctrination. Likewise, men have been indoctrinated into wanting marriage and believing that monogamy and marriage is the honorable, correct way to go about their life.
The modern Feminine Imperative also programs men to believe that, 1) He is born deficient, 2) The only cure to his deficiency is having a woman in his life, 3) Marriage is the only way he will ever be able to keep that woman in his life and secure her love and sex on a long-term basis. No wonder women’s marriage ultimatums are societally supported and so effective, promoting nearly every man to get down on one knee and propose out a fear of losing his one chance to be worthwhile in life.
For most of us, this marital programming starts at birth and is deeply rooted in our psyches, making it very hard to identify as programming, and even harder to remove. Even men that realize marriage holds no benefit for them will still doggedly insist that he should get married because he wants kids.
The true nature of human beings, their sexuality, and their evolution is not taught in schools. Our society programs everyone to believe that marriage is equivalent to what’s natural. Marriage is what everyone does, and everyone is sold the fantasy of how great it is, so everyone just buys into it without questioning it. They do not even consider that there could be another way of living life. Most people need to go through at least one failed marriage and divorce before they even start questioning the validity of marriage.