There is a pervasive idea in our culture that women are unknowable and mysterious by nature. Most men say that women are complicated and confusing. It’s a pop-culture joke that men will never know “what women want”. Hollywood makes horrible romantic comedies based on this idea.
Our Beliefs Dictate Our Lives
Women are not complicated per se. What occurs is that men have inaccurate beliefs about women, and they become confused when women act incongruently with those beliefs. Most of these beliefs men have about women are the result of brainwashing by the Feminine Imperative. The agents of the Feminine Imperative most responsible for this brainwashing are our teachers, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and people in the entertainment and news industry. I will always remember the day when I realized that my mother and sisters had been feeding me incorrect and misleading information about women my entire life. I realized that day that I would always have to take a woman’s words with a grain of salt in future.
For thousands of years, those in power have sought to control the belief systems of the masses under their control. When you control someone’s beliefs, you control their paradigms, desires, motivations, and behaviors. With humans, there are very strong natural motivators that cannot be cancelled out by indoctrination or brainwashing. These motivators include the desire for food, water, and sex. The Feminine Imperative cannot stop or control a man’s desire for sex with a woman. However, they can control nearly everything else relating to sex by controlling what a man believes. On planet Earth, anything can become normalized and anything can work. There is no ultimate truth and no ultimate falsehood. Humans mostly believe what they are told and what they are indoctrinated to believe since birth. Having and obtaining evidence to support their beliefs is typically unimportant to humans. The continuation of existing beliefs, and a life-or-death allegiance to them, is far more important than choosing new beliefs backed by evidence. Humans would rather support their existing beliefs by fabricating evidence and deluding themselves before putting in the hard work of adopting new, evidence-based beliefs. Typically, only trauma and massive ongoing pain produces motivation sufficient enough to put in the hard work of changing beliefs.
The Zero Evidence Principle
One of the incredible abilities of humans is that we are able to believe in something that is completely imaginary and has zero evidence for its existence. I am going to name this the Zero Evidence Principle. The most famous example of the Zero Evidence Principle is the human belief in deities. Even though there is zero evidence of deities existing, every group of humans has believed in their existence. Religion and belief in supernatural deities is so common across human populations that our brains are clearly biologically wired to seek out answers for the “meaning of life” and then convince ourselves of the answer regardless of the evidence. Religions often use the word “faith” to describe the Zero Evidence Principle. Faith is essentially the belief in something that has little to no evidence in the real world. Many people have “faith” in their marriages after they have been miserable for years, but that doesn’t change the fact that divorce is inevitable.
When you combine the work of the Feminine Imperative with the Zero Evidence Principle, it results in most men having false beliefs about female nature and “what women want”. Society teaches men to “just be themselves”, “be nice”, “treat her as an equal”, and this will be sufficient enough to attract the women he desires. However, a man realizes shortly after puberty that “being nice” doesn’t actually attract women, it just puts him in the friend zone. We see that women are sexually attracted to the men that don’t care about women. Even though it becomes glaringly obvious to all men that women don’t want to have sex with “nice guys”, most men will hopelessly cling to the “nice guy” persona for the rest of their lives. Why is that? Why does a man cling to a persona and strategy with women that clearly does not work? He does it because he is more devoted to his “identity” and belief system than he is to actual results with women. Since he has been programmed since birth to be “nice” to women, he has internalized the “nice guy” strategy as his own identity. Once a person is ego-invested, moralistic, and identified with beliefs, it is very hard for him to subsequently change those beliefs. The beliefs are “who he is” and his ego will vehemently defend his identity. The ego views an assault on our identities as being equivalent to a physical assault on our bodies. The ego holds on so tightly to the beliefs we have been indoctrinated into because it views protection of those beliefs as a matter of life and death.
Humans Are Products of Their Environments
This is why most humans are simply a product of their childhood environments and societal indoctrination. Human beings are ultra-conformists. Everything we do is an act of conformity. I will call this the Conformity Principle. As children, humans desperately need and want to conform to everything they are taught. If a person rebels against what they are taught, they are still conforming, just to some other idea. A boy that drops out of school to become a criminal is not an anti-conformist, he is just conforming to a different way of life. It is very difficult to invent our own schemas, paradigms, and constructs, so we almost always conform to existing ones. This conformity is the “monkey see monkey do” aspect of our species that mimics what we see, hear, and experience. Once people have conformed to the indoctrination of their childhood and have formed their identities based upon those beliefs, they will likely never change for the rest of their lives absent massive trauma or a strong desire to change.
This is why most men continue being the “nice guy” Beta-White-Knights even when they know this strategy is extremely ineffective at obtaining sex with women. They will watch women chase after the “bad boys” and Alphas for their entire lives, but they will never change their identities. I personally know the difficulty that a “nice guy” has in changing his identity because I was heavily indoctrinated by my family and society to be a “nice guy” Beta myself. Even after many years of red-pill awareness and studying human mating, there still is a small part of me that wants to be that “nice guy”. This part of me wants to conform to my early childhood programming. A part of me doesn’t want to believe that everything I was told about women was a lie. A part of me just wants to “be myself”, relax, and be open and honest with women. Sometimes, I still make mistakes with women I’m dating because this part of me wants to express itself. The Alpha personality I have fostered and developed is my dominant identity, but it seems that I can never fully “kill” the “nice guy” that lives inside of me. I can only recognize him, know that he is useless with women, and remove his influence over my decisions. That little bitch wants to talk and make decisions like a 4-year-old child does, I just don’t let him.
The “Nice Guy” Inside of You is the Real Enemy
Knowing the “pussy”, “wussy”, “nice guy”, and/or Beta side of yourself well and subduing its influence over you is the single most important skill you can have in remaining masculine and protecting yourself against women. Ultimately, nothing outside of us can control us unless our compliance is forced at gunpoint. A man’s masculinity is eroded slowly from within when he allows the weaker parts of his psyche to influence his decisions over time.
If you refuse to believe that the “nice guy” still lives inside of you somewhere, he will creep up on you and take over your life without you recognizing it. This typically occurs when men are in long-term relationships and/or marriages with women. Men need to master the “nice guy” inside of them and know him well. Know what thoughts, behaviors, and ideas are those of the “nice guy” and make a hard distinction between the “nice guy” and the thoughts, behaviors, and ideas of the dominant Alpha. Knowing the difference between the two is absolutely essential to your continued existence as a masculine man that does not ever submit to a woman.
The worst fate of a man is not being alone. The worst fate of a man is being submissive to and emasculated by a woman. A masculine man should always choose loneliness over submission to a woman. When you see the workings of the “nice guy” pop up in your feelings and thoughts, recognize him for the sniveling little bitch that he is and silence him. He is not your friend. He is your very worst enemy. It is not women, feminized men, the Feminine Imperative, or left-wing feminist politicians that are your worst enemy. It is the “nice guy” Beta bitch living inside of you that is your worst enemy. Only he has the power to destroy you. Know your enemy and silence him without remorse. Listening to him only leads down one path: celibacy, devastation, ruin, emasculation, loneliness, and suicide.
The Ultimate Shit Test
Women always try to coax the “nice guy” out of you. They always clamor to see your “soft side” and they try to bait you into getting in touch with your “feminine side”. They tell men they are “emotionless robots” and they never stop trying to get a man to get “more in touch with his feelings”. Women are solipsistic by nature, so they will always believe their unstable, emotional way of existing is the best way. Women cannot see past themselves and they are incapable of appreciating a man’s logical, stoic way of being. In fact, psychoanalysis and talk therapy is almost entirely based in the feminine. Men are always encouraged to “talk about their feelings” and “open up”, but this type of feminine behavior can be very unhealthy for a masculine man. Men don’t talk about and wallow in their problems, they get to work and solve them. Women talk and men take action.
The fact is that women will never stop trying to turn a man into a woman. This is the ultimate shit-test that women employ. Their forebrain thinks the answer to their problems is being with a more feminized man, but their hindbrain will always truly desire the dominance of an Alpha male. If a man wants to continue a sexual relationship with a woman, he must satisfy her hindbrain, not her forebrain. If a man ever softens under the woman’s constant barrage of tests and allows his inner “nice guy” to take control, the woman will lose attraction for him, take control of the relationship, and inevitably abandon the man. I’ve seen many men that have lost this battle in my divorce practice over the years, and it is the absolute worst state a man will ever find himself in.
When a man is conformed and dedicated to his “nice guy” Beta identity, he believes that women really want a “nice guy”. When a man tries to date a woman, and she ghosts him after the first date because he’s a “nice guy”, he is confused. When a woman sleeps with the bad-boy Alpha after knowing him for an hour, he is confused. Women tell him to his face that they want a nice guy, but the woman’s behaviors don’t seem to match up with this. The Law of Verbal Unreliability holds that a men should never trust what a woman says about what she wants from men. The Beta “nice guy” doesn’t understand or believe in this Law. He thinks women are straight forward and honest and there is no difference between the genders except for the sexual hardware. Thus, he is perpetually confused when the words of women fail to match up to their behaviors.
Further confusing the issue is the fact that his “nice guy” strategy SOMETIMES works. When it does work, he is finally validated in his belief system and all his doubts have been temporarily assuaged. People that have little to no evidence to support their beliefs will cling to any tiny shred of evidence they can and magnify the importance of that evidence. Remember, it’s the survival of the belief that’s important, not the validity of it. This situation is the same intermittent reinforcement that humans find so addictive in gambling. Even though the gambler knows that the house always wins, the occasional win will keep him gambling away all of his money.